In-Office Hillside Dentistry Services - X-Rays, Cleanings & Exams

      We hope that you choose Hillside Dentistry to meet your dental needs.  We are a true family practice and we have the talents and skills to care for most everyone, whatever age they may be.  You'll find that we focus heavily on education and prevention because these are the efforts that will ultimately provide you the best care.

        Let's begin by highlighting some of our standard practices and policies.  Because we are focused on prevention and education, many of our policies revolve around these areas.

Digital X-RAYS:    At your first appointment we will be taking the appropriate digital x-rays (generally a full mouth series, which consists of 18 films).  If you have current x-rays it is very important that you inform us of this so we can request them prior to your appointment date.  Bitewing x-rays will be prescribed as needed; that tschedule is often annually but can range from 6 months to 2 yrs.  If this is confusing or if you don't understand the need for x-rays, we will be happy to explain further or you can see our digital x-ray page.

COMPREHENSIVE EXAM:    Our comprehensive exam includes a periodontal screening (pocket measurements), a hard and soft tissue exam, head and neck exam, cancer screening, review of problems found with treatments suggested along with various options.  Periodic exams are accomplished either annually or semi-annually. We may also utilize our Diagnodent technology to check for decay on top of your teeth.  We may also utilize a VELscope to screen for oral cancer.

CLEANINGS/PERIDONDONTAL TREATMENT:    Based on your periodontal screening we will set up your future cleaning appointments.  We strongly encourage 2 cleanings per year for a healthy mouth. For those who are diagnosed with periodontal disease the recall schedule will be established and discussed at your appointment.(Note: most insurance companies cover regular check-ups twice per year.  If you are not getting your check-ups you are not getting the most out of your dental benefits.)  

        If you do not have insurance, payment at the time of service is required unless other arrangements are made.  We offer a discount when treatment is paid for at the time of service.  We also offer a range of payment options that make it possible for almost anyone to get the care that they need.

        We will submit claims and supplemental information to all insurance companies.  Currently we are a Preferred Provider for Aetna, ODS Premier, and Regence Dental Insurance Company.

        Again, we are happy to have you here and we look forward to getting to know you and your family.  If you have any questions feel free to call or stop in and say "Hi."

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Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the contact form below.

Where to Find Us

Call: 541-488-5088

325 A Street, Suite 2
Ashland , OR 97520
